Print and Publishing design
Art direction
Photographer: David Roche
Publisher & Commissioner: Judith Neilson
Printer: Wilco Artbooks, The Netherlands
ISBN: 978-0-9806398-5-8
The White Rabbit Gallery is a contemporary art museum located in the inner city Sydney suburb of Chippendale, Australia. The museum opened in 2009 to showcase what has become one of the world’s most significant collections of Chinese contemporary art. For the publication, 99 artists were selected representing the breadth and depth of the White Rabbit Collection, and the range of contemporary art from China.
Each book showcases 33 artists in alphabetical order. The publication, just like the comprehensive collection, is the sum of its parts. 99 different clamshell boxes house 3 books, each executed in 99 cover variations. With the total number of box sets limited to 2475, none is identical.
Allowing each artist a dedicated clamshell box and book cover answered our ambition to create a truly democratic publication on Chinese contemporary art. Inspired by the Little Red Book, the clamshell box execution dictated the typographic approach of the 99 essays introducing the artists. Bold and undone of graphic confetti allows unhindered reading and appreciation of the depicted artworks.